Men’s Health Week 2024: The Engineer Exchange Podcast
12th June 2024
Tune into the latest episode of The Engineer Exchange Podcast for Men’s Health Week 2024.
This year, we supported three ICE QUEST Scholars take the advantage of the summer to enhance their academic and personal growth. Join us to read about their experiences here, the skills they’ve gained, and the positive impact they’ve had on our clients…
Emma Kippax – ICE QUEST Undergraduate
“I have been seconded into SLR’s transport modelling team. As part of this I have coded a model of a corridor of roads in Wales and processed the traffic data that informs how many vehicles are in the model.
I found it interesting to do this and learn about how these models are used to test different solutions to ease congestion. It has been challenging as this is my first placement, so everything is entirely new but it has been great to get hands on experience!
Next year in my studies there is a module about liveable cities which has a group design project that follows on from it. I’m really looking forward to another group project as I found working in a team in the design module last year a lot of fun.”
Danielle Coleman – ICE QUEST Undergraduate
“I primarily worked with the Transport team, along with the Delivery and Design, and Air Quality teams. I enjoyed my time at LBTH, where I could ask questions and apply my first-year knowledge.
Over the past few weeks, I undertook tasks such as site visits, air quality audits, research, and strategy planning. I found it interesting how civil engineering is often overlooked in everyday life, even in common things like speed bumps! The planning and strategies a local council must implement to fulfil the local government, and the wider government policies is another aspect that I found interesting.
This placement has given me a clearer picture of the potential fields I’d like to pursue after my degree. I look forward to the ‘Management of Design and Construction’ module as it is something new and I also look forward to applying what I’ve learned this summer to my 2nd year of university!”
Oliver Beer – ICE QUEST Undergraduate
“Currently, I am seconded to Waterman Infrastructure and Environment (WIE). Here I am learning new skills such as writing desktop studies, plotting and configuring levels of private and plot drainage, whilst improving existing skills such as CAD and EXCEL work. My highlight so far was my site visit to Graven Hill in Bicester, to help oversee window samples being taken and have a walkover of the site.
Going back to Uni, I am looking forward to specialising more into Coastal and Civil Engineering. Having only just completed First Year means that any work I have been doing is relatively new and therefore very interesting.
Overall, the placement is very informative and has allowed me to link my studies to actual implementation. I am very grateful for the opportunity to be able to get so much experience so early on and I am looking forward to my placement next year, wherever that may take me.“
12th June 2024
Tune into the latest episode of The Engineer Exchange Podcast for Men’s Health Week 2024.
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