
Pride Month – Katy & Kevin Discuss What Pride Means To Them

Pride celebration with people waving flags

For Pride Month 2024, we hear two interesting thought pieces on why Pride is still necessary, accompanied by a hope that, one day, we will live in a world where it is no longer needed…

Katy Roca

Katy Roca – HR Projects Manager

Honestly, “Pride” is a difficult concept for me. I take pride in my achievements, my friends and my family, but it feels like a strange concept to take pride in my sexuality. I’m not “proud” to identify as pansexual, I just love who I love, as naturally as breathing.

It feels strange that there is still a need to carve a month out of the year to promote visibility for how folk choose to identify and the people they choose to love. It saddens me that there is still a need to fight and remind the world that I deserve the same rights as everybody else. Same-sex marriage was only legalised in 2014, ten years ago, with Northern Ireland following suit just four years ago in 2020.

That said, whilst I do wish Pride wasn’t necessary, I am thankful for the opportunity to shed a spotlight on those who have worked, and are still working hard, to normalise something that is natural to so many; as although it can feel excessive to some to paint the world with rainbows for one month a year, the other 11 can still be pretty grey from where we stand.

Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith – Area Manager, Scotland

Pride is a recognition that a lot of work needs to be done to improve inclusivity and diversity. I feel that, if more recognition was made or acceptance of all existed, then perhaps pride month wouldn’t need to be marked as it is. 

Whilst it can be viewed as a celebration of those involved, it could also be seen as a much needed peaceful protest against a lack of support which we all know currently exists. I hope this shows I support EDI and Pride and doesn’t come across as anything other than support.


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